5 Bite-Sized Questions … with Freelance Journalist Helen I. Hwang

JWC chats over coffee or lunch with members of the media to hear more about what they’re working on and how we can best assist them. Enjoy our new series of rapid-fire questions for your information … or entertainment

Name: Helen I. Hwang
Title: Freelance Journalist
Outlets: Trip Advisor, The New York Times for Kids, Parents.com, Eater San Diego, San Diego Magazine
Website: www.helenihwang.com
Socials: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn

An award-winning journalist, author and mechanical engineer (yes, you read that correctly), freelance journalist Helen Hwang has written for national publications like Eater, The New York Times for Kids, Parents Magazine, Trip Advisor and San Diego Magazine. She has a knack for telling stories about food, travel, children and her family. Find out her biggest PR pet peeve below so maybe you can score a story with her.

  1. What’s your favorite article you’ve written? 

How moving around the world rooted my family to Lunar New Year

  1. What word or phrase would you love to ban from the English language?


  1. What is your biggest writing or PR pet peeve?

As a freelancer, I always have pitches out to editors for consideration. I’m a curious person and I would love to write about everything that appears on my plate. If a PR person asks me if I’m able to write about a topic, the reason is more often that an editor didn’t take the story idea unfortunately.

  1. What one piece of advice do you have for those who want to pitch you a story?

Please be patient if I don’t get back to you since I’m getting a hundred emails a day. Feel free to ping me again in a week since the previous email probably got buried.

  1. If you could have lunch with one San Diegan you don’t already know, who would it be?

Naomi Girma – San Diego Waves soccer player. She’s the daughter of Ethiopian immigrants and graduated from Stanford in three years.

Learn more about Helen on her website.