It’s the New (Er … Old?) Ashley!
There will always be a place with the J. Walcher Communications team for an Ashley.
Soon after we said our goodbyes to Ashley Shafer, we reopened our doors to Ashley Weaver. Weaver most recently worked at KCD Public Relations as an account coordinator. Prior to KCD PR, Weaver was an intern and then a PR assistant at our very own – wait for it – JWC! To welcome her back to the team, here’s a little bit more about “Weaver”:
How did you get started in public relations?
Before transferring to San Diego State University my junior year, I sat with a friend to do some soul searching and determine my major. As any college student knows, that’s a difficult decision!
I was a problem solver, loved to write and had a background in customer service. After reading several major descriptions, public relations seemed like an obvious fit. Lucky for me, SDSU has one of the best PR programs in the country, which made the experience that much better.
You look familiar … haven’t we seen you around the JWC office before?
Yes! I had the amazing opportunity to complete my first internship with JWC. The team was great and really helped hone my skills as a writer. They also gave me my first taste at professional office life and helped define what being a PR professional meant.
Our last Ashley had a major coffee obsession, what vices do you bring to the table?
I have a terrible Dr. Pepper addiction – I used to drink three to five cans a day. I’m in major recovery, though. I decided it was time to take better care of myself and have cut back to spreading that number throughout the week. I can go several days without a soda now, but I’ll admit I can’t resist those 23 flavors for long.
OK, so then it’s only fair to ask: three biggest virtues – go!
Loyalty, determination and confidence.
What’s one PR campaign that’s occurred in the past year you wish you were part of?
The ALS Ice Bucket challenge is an obvious choice. What other campaign can say it generated more than $31 million in donations in less than a month? Strokes of genius like that are hard to come by. It was simple, brilliant and effective – a major win for the ALS Association.
That being said, I died laughing over Groupon’s recent responses to Facebook comments about the “Banana Bunker,” a container to keep banana’s fresh. High-fives all around for that one. Too funny!
Any hobbies we should know about?
I’m not really the “hobby” type, but I am a huge bookworm. I can easily spend an entire day reading, and have been known to devour 500-page books in one sitting. I’m a bit of a self-proclaimed nerd, so I typically go for the sci-fi or fantasy genres – anything that will spark creativity and keep strengthening my imagination.
Favorite part about being back with JWC so far?
The JWC team is awesome, for one, so I’m thrilled to be back as part of it. The client roster also gives me the chance to be both creative and intellectual, which is a really good balance that’s hard to find.